ODATA Cheat Sheet for Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service (CDS)

ODATA Cheat Sheet for Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service (CDS)
Important Note
This cheat sheet is limited to 1000 downloads.
ODATA Cheat Sheet - A Quick Reference to everything you need to know about $filters

Download your ODATA Cheat Sheet here. Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service Web APIs both use ODATA to query and return data. ODATA is a simple REST-based API that allows the return of JSON objects matching the query parameters, but despite the documentation provided, there exists no concise quick reference for building your ODATA queries.

Why should I care about ODATA?

If you work with Microsoft products on the web, sooner or later you will have to interface with ODATA. Whether it’s through the advanced settings on a Power Automate flow or inside your own application, ODATA is used in all of Microsoft’s most important applications.

This means Sharepoint, Outlook.com, Dynamics 365, Common Data Service, Salesforce, MySQL, PostgresSQL, Excel Online and anything that uses an On-Premises Data Gateway. If you are interfacing with data in a Microsoft product, you’re going to need to know ODATA.

We’ve built a cheat sheet / quick reference guide for ODATA $filter so that you can quickly and easily know exactly what is available to build out your query quite quickly. Enter your email address at the end of this post to subscribe to our newsletter and get the ODATA cheat sheet delivered to your inbox.

Here’s what’s included:

ODATA Cheat sheet - Parameters section

A list of every query parameter available. $filter, $select, $top, $apply, $expand

ODATA Cheat sheet - simple filters

All of the simple filter operators which are most supported across different implementations. (With examples!)

ODATA Cheat sheet - D365 and CDS specific functions

CDS and D365 specific filter functions that are available only on these APIs. (Including a link to those not covered (mostly redundant))

You’ll learn:

  • What ODATA parameters are available.
  • What the simple filters are with examples of how to use them
  • The simple functions that are supported across multiple APIs
  • CDS and Dynamics 365 specific functions available only with the Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service APIs

Download the ODATA Cheat Sheet

Limited to 1000 entries, after which the cheat sheet will not be available!

Nick Hance
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I'm a software project rescue specialist who has been rescuing failed software systems since 1999. President of Reenhanced.
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