Building a Custom Connector: Using Multiple x-ms-dynamic-values Dropdowns

Building a Custom Connector: Using Multiple x-ms-dynamic-values Dropdowns

Power Automate and Logic Apps allow less technical people to work with complex systems without having to understand their inner workings.

Organizations around the world use these tools to glue together different services in a centrally managed way so business operations are stored in a known place away from the technical implementation. When properly managed, the entire team can understand how the business works and can operate with the efficiency of a small smart startup.

Custom connectors allow you to bring your own software tools and systems inside Power Automate and Logic Apps to become pieces of this bigger picture. For the most part, these connectors are easy to build but it can get complex with dynamic data. Today we’ll explore some of Microsoft’s dynamic data extensions to the OpenAPI specification. Hold on to your hat, this blog will get technical and then walk backwards to give you a clear picture of how these things work.

Animation showing multiple dependent dropdowns for a Power Automate / Logic Apps connector
Learn how to build a custom connector that requires dependent parameters. (I.E. Pick URL, then pick Contact Form)
What are dynamic values?

When you’re building a custom connector sometimes you need user input to build the request correctly. As shown above, in our Power Form 7 connector, users are able to submit Contact Form 7 forms using our connector. By allowing the users to manage the contact form in an interface they know (and love?) they can design forms to their heart’s content and our connector will happily connect their data to Power Automate and Logic Apps.

The way this is done is through what Microsoft calls Dynamic Values. In other words, it’s impossible for our connector to know what type of request to build until after the user supplies necessary data about what they want to submit.

In order to get the schema for our custom connector, we need the user to identify which site url, and then which form they’ll be submitting. By reading this article, you’ll learn how to build requests with one or many dependent connectors! (From this point forward we assume you’re familiar with the basic OpenAPI v2 specification.)

Overview of how a custom connector specification is put together

Below is a nearly complete example of how you can use dependent parameters in your API. You can copy/paste this into the paths and parameters section of your Swagger Editor and modify to your needs. Then read on for a breakdown of how all the pieces fit together. Note that our example uses a dynamic schema, but we won’t be covering that portion in today’s blog.

Working example of Dynamic Schema
    x-ms-summary: WordPress Site URL
    x-ms-dynamic-values: {operationId: GetDomains, value-path: name, value-title: name}
    required: true
    in: header
    name: siteurl
    description: Select the site from this dropdown
    x-ms-visibility: important
    type: string
    x-ms-summary: Contact Form 7 form
        siteurl: {parameter: siteurl}
      operationId: GetForms
      value-path: id
      value-title: title
    required: true
    in: path
    name: form_id
    description: Select Contact Form 7 form from this dropdown
    x-ms-visibility: important
    x-ms-url-encoding: single
    type: string
      summary: (private) Get list of domains
      produces: [application/json]
              type: object
                name: {type: string}
                id: {format: int32, type: integer}
            type: array
          description: List of forms
      x-ms-visibility: internal
      operationId: GetDomains
      description: Returns licensed domains
      summary: (private) Get Contact Form 7 forms
              type: object
                slug: {type: string, description: slug}
                locale: {type: string, description: locale}
                id: {format: int32, type: integer, description: id}
                title: {x-ms-summary: Form Name, type: string, description: title}
            type: array
          description: '200'
          schema: {}
          description: Unauthorized
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/siteurl__in_header'}
      x-ms-visibility: internal
      operationId: GetCF7Forms
      description: Gets a list of all Contact Form 7 forms
      summary: (private) Retrieve form schema
        '200': {description: Note we do not have to specify the response!}
          schema: {}
          description: Unauthorized
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/siteurl__in_header'}
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/form_id__in_path'}
      x-ms-visibility: internal
      operationId: GetFormSchema
      description: Returns the schema for the specified form
      summary: Submit a Contact Form
        '200': {description: OK}
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/siteurl__in_header'}
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/form_id__in_path'}
      - required: true
		name: query
		in: body
			itemValuePath: schema
			  form_id: {parameterReference: form_id}
			  siteurl: {parameterReference: siteurl}
			operationId: GetFormSchema
			  form_id: {parameter: form_id}
			  siteurl: {parameter: siteurl}
			operationId: GetFormSchema
			value-path: schema
		  type: object
		  properties: {}
      x-ms-visibility: important
      operationId: SubmitForm
      description: Submit a Contact Form 7 form
Note: The API shown above is only a part of a custom connector specification. You’ll still need to implement security definitions and meta-data on your custom connector.

The YAML above exposes a single action “Submit a Contact Form 7 form” that looks like this:

All of that YAML for this small boi.

However this small connector hides a surprising amount of functionality. Let’s explore.

The way this API works is as follows:

  1. Authorize against the API (Not covered here)
  2. Choose which Site URL you want to work with. This is a list of all sites with our plugin installed.
  3. From the site you’ve selected, choose the form that you want to submit.
  4. Fill in the parameters for the form in Power Automate.
  5. When your flow runs, the form is submitted
Visual walk-through

When you click on the drop-down to select Site URL, you’ll see a list of all the sites with the plugin installed:

If this had been an actual production environment, it would show a more exciting list of domains.

After you select a site, you’ll see a list of all forms for the site you selected:

The API uses the Site URL you selected to populate the list of forms.

Finally, once you select a form, the magic happens. The Dynamic Schema returns all of the information you need to populate the form, including pre-populating selectable options:

The connector form is filled with the items described by the dynamic schema. Details of this will be in a future article.

As you can see, there’s quite a bit that can be done from this connector. By allowing all of the form administration to happen on the Contact Form 7 side, users can manage the systems from interfaces they’re comfortable with and never have to see or think about the internals of what Power Form 7 is providing.

So let’s look at how to do this for your own API.

Working backwards from the exposed action

The best way to help you understand how this works is to look at the operation object that Power Automate is using to display this action:

Operation SubmitForm is shown as an available action “Submit a Contact 7 form”
      summary: Submit a Contact Form 7 form
      consumes: [multipart/form-data]
        '200': {description: OK}
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/siteurl__in_header'}
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/form_id__in_path'}
      - required: true
            itemValuePath: schema
              form_id: {parameterReference: form_id}
              siteurl: {parameterReference: siteurl}
            operationId: GetFormSchema
              form_id: {parameter: form_id}
              siteurl: {parameter: siteurl}
            operationId: GetFormSchema
            value-path: schema
          type: object
          properties: {}
        description: Form data
        in: body
        name: query
	  x-ms-visibility: important
      operationId: SubmitForm
      description: Use this action to submit a Contact Form 7 form

This operation is visible as an action for this connector because of x-ms-visibility: important which Power Automate / Logic Apps uses to determine visibility. If you look carefully at the full code, you’ll see every other operation is marked as “internal” which means they won’t appear in the list. The summary field is used to determine the name used by Power Automate.

As you can see, this API call requires 3 parameters: query, siteurl__in_header, and form_id__in_path. But how does Power Automate know the order in which to display them? How does it know some of these can be selected from a dropdown? How does it ?

Let’s explore each parameter in depth.

Decoding Parameters part 1: Understanding dependencies

In order to fully understand the way this works let’s unwrap the references in the YAML so we can see this action the same way that Power Automate does. All we’ve done below is copy/paste each reference from where it was implemented directly into the path object.

Exploded the references so we can understand it better. This is the same code as above
      summary: Submit a Contact Form 7 form
      consumes: [multipart/form-data]
        '200': {description: OK}
      - name: siteurl
		in: header
		x-ms-summary: WordPress Site URL
		description: WordPress Site Address (URL) found in Settings > General
		x-ms-dynamic-values: {operationId: GetDomains, value-path: name, value-title: name}
		required: true
		x-ms-visibility: important
		type: string
      - name: form_id
		in: path
		description: Contact Form 7 form
		x-ms-summary: Contact Form 7 Form
			siteurl: {parameter: siteurl}
		  operationId: GetCF7Forms
		  value-path: id
		  value-title: title
		required: true
		x-ms-visibility: important
		x-ms-url-encoding: single
		type: string
      - name: query
		in: body
		description: Form data
		required: true
            itemValuePath: schema
              form_id: {parameterReference: form_id}
              siteurl: {parameterReference: siteurl}
            operationId: GetFormSchema
              form_id: {parameter: form_id}
              siteurl: {parameter: siteurl}
            operationId: GetFormSchema
            value-path: schema
          type: object
          properties: {}
	  x-ms-visibility: important
      operationId: SubmitForm
      description: Use this action to submit a Contact Form 7 form

With this “exploded” view the way this works becomes a little bit more clear. (I reordered the parameters slightly so you can find the name quickly.)

When Power Automate reads this spec, it scans the parameters. Here there are three parameters:

  • A header parameter named siteurl with a x-ms-dynamic-values field
  • A path parameter named form_id with a x-ms-dynamic-values field that itself requires a parameter named siteurl
  • A body parameter named query with a schema containing x-ms-dynamic-schema and x-ms-dynamic-properties

Clearly there’s a relationship between these parameters. The diagram below shows how they’re connected.

Understanding dependencies is as simple as counting the arrow heads.

If you stare at this image long enough, you’ll see the following:

  1. In order to fill in query, you need to know siteurl and form_id
  2. In order to get form_id, you need to know siteurl
  3. You don’t need anything to get siteurl
Explaining parameter types
Each of these parameters are rendered differently and mean different things to Power Automate.

A parameter with x-ms-dynamic-values will render a dropdown in your connector.
Other parameters, as described by the OpenAPI specification, will show the appropriate input field.
For multiple fields you can use x-ms-dynamic-schema to return an OpenAPI schema object from your API which describes the input fields to gather.
Filling in the requirements

With the order that these requests now known (because of the dependency graph) we can look at each request to see how Power Automate makes it work. We’ll start with the siteurl parameter for our action.

- x-ms-summary: WordPress Site URL
  x-ms-dynamic-values: {operationId: GetDomains, value-path: name, value-title: name}
  required: true
  in: header
  name: siteurl
  description: WordPress Site Address (URL) found in Settings > General
  x-ms-visibility: important
  type: string

This parameter object uses the x-ms-dynamic-values field to describe where the possible values for this come from. This object references another operation, so let’s examine that here as well.

The GetDomains operation describes the API endpoint that retrieves domains
	summary: (private) Get list of domains
	produces: [application/json]
			type: object
			  name: {type: string}
			  id: {format: int32, type: integer}
		  type: array
		description: List of forms
	x-ms-visibility: internal
	operationId: GetDomains
	description: Returns licensed domains

As you can see, this path object doesn’t require any parameters and the described schema is listed here. Here is an example of what this request actually produces.

GET /domains
        "id": 11,
        "name": ""
        "id": 12,
        "name": "http://localhost:8080"

Now let’s pull all of this together.

Any action or trigger that has includes the parameter above, with the x-ms-dynamic-values field, will show a drop-down like the following:

Brought to you by your new friend x-ms-dynamic-values

This drop-down calls the operationId specified by the x-ms-dynamic-values and uses the value-title to populate the human readable titles which will translate to the field specified by value-path. When a user selects a value from this dropdown, the parameter is assigned the value determined by value-path. (In other words, if our x-ms-dynamic-values looked like this x-ms-dynamic-values: {operationId: GetDomains, value-path: id, value-title: name} then when I select the localhost address my parameter would be assigned a value of 11. (Study the response from GET /domains to see how id and name connect to the data and value submitted from the dropdown.)

🥳🎈 Yay! We got a value for siteurl using x-ms-dynamic-values! This means we can use this in our parameter to get form_id and we can use it in our dynamic schema call too!

Now that you understand how dependencies work, know that Power Automate and Logic Apps allow you to make them dependent upon each other. Let’s see how to do that.

Cascading dependencies

Now that we’ve know the value for the siteurl parameter (which happens to be the same as the human-readable value in our case) we see how the dependency graph has changed.

siteurl now has a value. Getting form_id is now possible!

Let’s look at what this means for the form_id parameter:

This is the form_id parameter included in our API call to submit the form
      - name: form_id
		in: path
		description: Contact Form 7 form
		x-ms-summary: Contact Form 7 Form
			siteurl: {parameter: siteurl}
		  operationId: GetCF7Forms
		  value-path: id
		  value-title: title
		required: true
		x-ms-visibility: important
		x-ms-url-encoding: single
		type: string

As you can see, in order for the x-ms-dynamic-values operation to run it needs the siteurl parameter, which we now have. So Power Automate / Logic Apps can now execute the operation GetCF7Forms which we see below (If you recall, this is implemented as a x-ms-visibility: internal path object included in our spec.)

The GetCF7Forms operation, which is an internal (not shown) operation that we still need to provide details for
      summary: (private) Get Contact Form 7 forms
              type: object
                slug: {type: string, description: slug}
                locale: {type: string, description: locale}
                id: {format: int32, type: integer, description: id}
                title: {x-ms-summary: Form Name, type: string, description: title}
            type: array
          description: '200'
          schema: {}
          description: Unauthorized
      - {$ref: '#/parameters/siteurl__in_header'}
      x-ms-visibility: internal
      operationId: GetCF7Forms
      description: Gets a list of all Contact Form 7 forms

The path object above describes the request that Power Automate performs in the background that executes the moment you click on the dropdown to select a form. Since we have a value for siteurl it can make this request which gives us back a response described by the schema.

Back inside the parameter for our exposed API call, the x-ms-dynamic-values object will render the dropdown with the title shown to the users, but will set form_id to the id, this is due to the value-path: id and value-title: title settings.

Once the user selects a form_id, the x-ms-dynamic-schema request can be made! This request will reach out to the server which must respond with a schema object just like you’d see in any other specification. Watch for our next blog post for full details on how Dynamic Schema works.

Until then, we’ll leave you with a preview of how all of it is connected.

Watch for an upcoming blog post where we’ll show you how to do this.
Research questions!
As I worked through this blog, I discovered some questions that I could use your help with. I would love to build a web of knowledge to help all Power Platform people, so if you are able to find answers to these questions, please describe your findings and contact me so we can link to your coverage.

1. How many dependencies will Power Automate or Logic Apps support? Our example shows two, but can it be more?
2. When have you found a need to implement x-ms-dynamic-list? The docs are confusing and we’ve successfully avoided it so far because we’re building our APIs for Power Automate.

Thanks for your research!
Nick Hance
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I'm a software project rescue specialist who has been rescuing failed software systems since 1999. President of Reenhanced.
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