Connectors for Finding Words, Facts and Restrooms

Connectors for Finding Words, Facts and Restrooms

Wait. What? Yes, you read that correctly. Three of the newest Power Automate connectors address each of these various concerns. Plus, if you are about to embark on an email marketing campaign you may find the fourth one of these a good fit. Let’s take a look at facts first!

FactSet connector icon

To use the FactSet connector requires that you have a Microsoft Power Automate plan with premium connector access, and Factset API access which will let you tap relevant news and events for companies of interest and highlight important topics about them. You’ll then be able to custom brand this financial data and analytics information in a presentation-ready PDF, or use Digital Cards to collaborate on them among your potential investors or colleagues. Connector actions for your flows include:

  • Create Book from Template includes book status, book name, and book ID for ticker requested in JSON format.
  • Get the list of books that were previously created and are available in the client’s book library.
  • Get PDF of a given a book ID.
  • Get Template list.
  • Extract named entities from document text, and based on filtering criteria,
  • Get Microsoft’s Adaptive Cards (includes headlines, event details data and hyperlinks to FactSet reports.)
  • Get Signals event headlines.
  • Get Signals event headlines plus all additional events.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

Connectors independent publisher icon

Datamuse is a word-finding query engine for developers that draws from OneLook, RhymeZone and (Spanish). You can use to assist with writing, search relevancy rankings, autocomplete and more inside of your apps. This connector has only one action; get a list of words and multi-word expressions from a given vocabulary that match a given set of constraints.

What does this mean exactly? Here’s an example.

slSounds like constraint: require that the results are pronounced similarly to this string of characters. (If the string of characters doesn’t have a known pronunciation, the system will make its best guess using a text-to-phonemes algorithm.)
~Datamuse API

With the introduction of this sort of automation, perhaps I should be worried that it may put me out of a writing job. Luckily, I have skills.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Two stars

Connectors independent publisher icon

Moosend connector adds yet another option for your email marketing campaign. Among today’s independently published connectors, this one offers a long list of actions to get you started, and joins 37 others we’ve identified in this sector so far. The Moosend app itself is well documented which aids intrepid developers who enjoy occasional direction.

email marketing campaign Power Automate connectors

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Three and a half stars

Made you Look

Connectors independent publisher icon
Refuge Restrooms

The non-profit Refuge Restrooms web application seeks to provide safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals. In short, it’s an aid for the LGBTQIA2+ set. According to documentation, “Users can search for restrooms by proximity to a search location, add new restroom listings, as well as comment and rate existing listings.” The connector’s 4 actions include:

  • Get all restroom records ordered by date.
  • Search for restroom records updated or created on or after a given date.
  • Search restrooms by location.
  • Perform full-text search of restroom records.

While answering nature’s call shouldn’t be an issue of safety, the mere fact that this web app exists suggests otherwise. Therefore, it’s importance should not, in my personal opinion, be minimized. That acknowledged, I question the business usefulness for this particular connector.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Two stars

Ready to Get Started?

If you have a good use case for any of these connectors, or are ready to simply and easily connect to the Power Platform, but you need some help – contact Reenhanced today!

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Kimberly Kratz
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Kimberly is a Virtual Assistant but real person who works on the team at Reenhanced. She’s also a professional writer and editor. When she’s not painting a portrait or dreaming up her next steampunk quest, she works as a Reference Librarian in the city.
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