Data Quality, Ticketing and More Top New Additions

Data Quality, Ticketing and More Top New Additions

Power Automate just added four new connectors covering data quality, geolocation, mock data testing, and ticketing, each of which you can use right now to automate the tasks you’re either doing manually now, or worse – not doing at all. Check this brief review for details on these or here for the connectors that you may have missed while you were out on holiday.

Is Data Quality Paramount to Your Needs?

DQ on Demand data quality connector icon
DQ on Demand

If you take your data quality seriously by using DQ on Demand, you’ll be able to take quality assurance a step farther with this new Power Automate connector. From UK based DG Global, its long list of actions can automate so much from authenticating phone numbers and their syntax, to postal codes, emails, URLs and more.  Automate deeper data quality with actions like “Classify” that will “Identify extra information about a piece of data. E.g. Brian or Sven is a person name. Road, Strasse, Rue are address elements. Ltd, LLC are Company legal suffixes.”

Confession: Here in the northeastern U.S., there’s an ice cream chain called Dairy Queen, or DQ for short. When I first saw the connector name, I thought that’s where we were headed. But in my defense, it’s a hot day and I’m reviewing over the lunch hour. Despite this, this connector’s usefulness charmed me. So if data quality is your thing, this one deserves a good look.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Four and a half stars

Where are you traveling next?

Independently published map connector icon

The MapBox app for maps, geocoding and navigation has a new, independently published connector to build into your flows with three actions:

  • Look up a single location by name to get the latitude and longitude of the location
  • Calculate the optimal route to reach a specified location from a given location.
  • Get a static map image without interactivity or controls of a location in base64, the location is specified by its longitude and latitude.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

Ready to Test Your App?

Independently published mock schema connector icon

Without grabbing real data, you can set up your schema to automate testing of your app with Mockaroo. With it you can use mock data of up to 1,000 rows of realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats that this connector’s single action generates. Quick, easy and painless.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

Are you using Microsoft Teams Now?

Tikit ticketing connector icon

The new Tikit connector ticketing system software works with Microsoft Teams to consolidate, organize and track support requests to avoid having end users feeling neglected. It’s actions include:

  • Create a new ticket
  • Update or add a comment to a ticket
  • Get one or all tickets
  • Get a file or files attached to a ticket

The connector will trigger a flow when a ticket is created, updated, or when a comment is made on it the IT department can maintain a good handle via the app’s centralized repository in order for them to collaborate and to maintain ticket data.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

This latest drop of new Power Automate connectors brings the grand total to 820! We are great at helping you find the best connectors for your project and can help you get your most urgent jobs up and running quickly. Ask us to learn more.

Kimberly Kratz
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Kimberly is a Virtual Assistant but real person who works on the team at Reenhanced. She’s also a professional writer and editor. When she’s not painting a portrait or dreaming up her next steampunk quest, she works as a Reference Librarian in the city.
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