New Connectors Address Health Care and Marketing

New Connectors Address Health Care and Marketing

Heads up health care pros and marketing gurus! This drop of new Power Automate Connectors may have delivered just what you need to avert an emergency.

CDC Content Services

Health organizations such as hospitals and clinics as well as public health advocates, doctors and others in the healthcare industry will really like the access this new connector provides. The CDC Content Services site allows its users to obtain articles, podcasts, and other content for syndication from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Public Health Media Library. This connector’s baker’s dozen of actions allow a user to get lists from CDC Content Services including:

  • List of media available in the Content Services system
  • List of the available: audiences, languages, organizations, sources, topics, tags, tag types, tag objects (using ID) or those related to another tag, media or organization types
  • Details of a media that can be syndicated, or media objects using a tag ID

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

inQuba Journey connector icon
inQuba Journey

The inQuba Journey connector will appeal to people interested in managing customer journeys, tapping sentiment, giving them gentle pushes toward that sale, to optimize return on investment (ROI). Its three present actions allow the user to: authenticate with the inQuba API and acquire an  access token, or to publish an event record to the inQuba API, or publish a transaction to the inQuba Journey API (either one of which requires a bearer token.)

This is a good start, but I see this connector as needing further building upon its foundation to really harness its potential.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Two and a half stars


Okay, confession in a review. I read the specs on this connector, OpenAI and did NOT know what it was…at first. I get hung up sometimes when there are acronyms upon acronyms and this one got me. But then, I got the clearest explanation! So the exact wording was this: “Connect to the OpenAI API and use the Power of GPT3, API key must be entered as “Bearer YOUR_API_KEY”


So, in case you don’t know (I didn’t), GPT3 is an artificial intelligence algorithm that analyzes loads of text and produces responses to whatever questions you ask of it. It’s programmed with a HUGE database of text. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, WOW ! When you use this Power Automate connector, then you can ask away!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Four and a half stars!

TuxMailer connector icon

TuxMailer, an email validation and marketing services tool, has a new Power Automate connector. Its single action “validates an email address whenever email is added in list.” I’d dig deeper into the app to determine its benefits, but to do so requires I sign up for an account without knowing anything more than the three points of interest on the homepage. Sorry but this one threw up my red flags.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

One star

Not interested in tallying up the total number of Power Automate connectors in the landscape? I’ve done the weeding work for you. Today mid-May 2022, there are 715! Phenomenal!

If you don’t see what you need in today’s review, back track to last week’s huge delivery of 17 new connectors, or ASK US which will work best for your next project!

Kimberly Kratz
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Kimberly is a Virtual Assistant but real person who works on the team at Reenhanced. She’s also a professional writer and editor. When she’s not painting a portrait or dreaming up her next steampunk quest, she works as a Reference Librarian in the city.
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