Download Dynamics 365 Reports as a PDF with Power Automate

Download Dynamics 365 Reports as a PDF with Power Automate

Have you ever wanted to upload a Dynamics 365 Report to SharePoint? What about sending it via an email or embedding into Teams on demand? Watch the video or read and follow along in the article below to learn how you can use a Child Flow to get the PDF version of a Report you can use anywhere through Power Automate. The world is yours!

Step-by-step how to do this with full explanation. Read below for an illustrated guide.
Important: The guide here implements this as a child flow, which means you will be able to re-use the work we do today for any report. The only way to use child flows is by having them in a solution, so you’ll need to make sure you carefully follow the solution steps!

Step 1: Create a Solution

Child flows have special requirements, so we begin our tutorial with the creation of a solution. First, go to and click on the solutions link from the left hand side navigation. Fill in the form and let’s keep moving. 💡 Pro-tip: All flows that use a child flow need to be in the same solution, so a good name for this is something like “Reporting Flows”

Power Automate: Create new solution.

Step 2: Create a new flow

Add a cloud flow to your solution

Power Automate: Add new cloud flow.

And then set the trigger to Manually trigger a flow

Power Automate: Manually trigger a flow.

After you have your trigger, you need to add 2 inputs to it, Report Name and Report XML

Power Automate: Manually trigger flow detail. Set Report Name to exact name of the report.

Then add a List Rows action from the Dataverse connector and configure it to lookup the report by the Report Name that you pass in during execution of your child flow.

In Report action: Add list rows

This is now a valid flow! (Every flow needs at least one trigger and one action.) You can now smash the 💾 Save button in your flow and move on to the next step.

Step 3: Setup the Report Viewer

Our child flow works by doing everything that you would do inside of your web browser, but it’s stripped out to only the steps you need to take. One of the most critical steps is the Report Viewer page, that is, the page that shows you the report inside your web browser. This step does the work of creating the report and it’s the same page that shows you the report in your browser.

In other words, what this step is doing is creating the web-only version of your report. This has to happen before you can get the PDF version because the report needs to exist before it can exist as a PDF.

To make this step happen, we have to send a request like the browser. We do this using the HTTP with Azure AD connector, specifically the Invoke an HTTP request action.

Add step: Invoke an HTTP request.

In order to use this action, we need to authorize our connection. If you’re using Dynamics 365 online, you do this by grabbing your CRM url (including https://) and pasting it in for both Base Resource URL and Azure AD Resource URI

Add Base Resource URL & Azure AD Resource URI

Once you’ve authorized, you’ll be able to setup your request. Configure it like this:

Add step: Apply to each: Invoke an HTTP request
Url of the request/CRMReports/rsviewer/reportviewer.aspx
HeadersContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body of the requestid=report&iscustomreport=Custom Report&reportnameonsrs=Name on SRS&CRM_Filter=encodeUriComponent(ReportXML)&reporttypecode=Report Type
In the body, the tags are all Dynamic Values. Note you need to use a formula to encode the data for CRM_Filter

Step 4: Extract the PdfDownloadUrl from the Report Viewer page

If you run the flow that you’ve built so far, you’ll see that the HTTP Request that we just added returns a big, long HTML string. This string is the report in HTML format and if you were to look at it in a web browser, it would show you the report viewer.

If you look at the page source, deep inside a JavaScript function you can find the URL needed to download the Report as a PDF.

Extract PdfDownloadUrl from report viewer page
This JavaScript snippet is the secret string we need to extract. If we load it in a browser with correct authorization, a PDF appears!

Let’s extract the value for PdfDownloadUrl so we can load it into another request and get our PDF. We’ll do this in 3 parts.

Step 4.1: Figure out where the PdfDownloadUrl string starts

We need to add a Compose action with the following:

    HTTP - POST Report Viewer -> Body,

Note: The Body tag is from the action you added in step 3.

Step 4.2: Figure out how long the PdfDownloadUrl is

Add another Compose action with the following:

    HTTP - POST Report Viewer -> Body,
  Step 4.1 -> outputs

Step 4.3: Extract and convert the PdfDownloadUrl from the body

In our final Compose action here, we will extract the string containing the URL we need to load.

    HTTP - POST Report Viewer -> Body,
    Step 4.1 -> Outputs,
    Step 4.2 -> Outputs

Step 5: Download the PDF

HECK YEAH! YOU ARE KICKING ASS! You’re now ready to make the final request that’s going to download the report as a PDF. Go you! You’re a Flow superstar if you’ve made it this far.

You need to add another Invoke an HTTP Request from the HTTP with Azure AD connector. Then all you have to do is send a GET request to the PdfDownloadUrl you extracted in Step 4.3.

Get PDF report
GET that juicy PDF Report here. Paradise is within sight!

This is literally it. If you run this flow now, it will get the Report specified by name with the Report XML you sent over to it. But it’s not very useful to have a flow that doesn’t do anything, is it?

I promised you a reusable Child Flow, so let’s convert our work so far into something we can use.

Step 6: Use a variable to send the Report PDF data to our Parent Flow

We need to get our PDF data out of the loop that flow created for us when we looked at the Report, so let’s do a few things.

Step 6.1: Initialize a variable

Add an Initialize a variable action for a String somewhere near the top of your flow. You pick where it goes. Just somewhere underneath the trigger.

Make a variable: String

Step 6.2: Set the variable

After the PDF Download HTTP request, you need to assign the variable as an expression of dataUri(PDF Download Request -> Body)

Use expression to set value
Add this step below the request you created in step 5

Step 7: Respond to a PowerApp or flow

Add a final action all the way at the bottom of your flow using the + New Step button and select the action Respond to a PowerApp or flow.

Inside this, you’ll want to provide a name like Report PDF, and the value will be the variable you assigned in step 6.2.

How come I can’t find the Respond to a PowerApp or flow step?
This step is only visible if your flow is “solution-aware”, which means that you must have it created inside of a solution. If you skipped step 1, you’ll probably run into this.
The final step! This makes your flow work as a child flow!
The last step! This makes your flow work as a child flow!

If you’re up and running with the help of this post, we give you five stars!

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Would you like more help with this? Are you confused about Report XML or parent flows?

The video and article here will get you pretty far down the path. But what if it’s not far enough? Do you you want to do more amazing things? HAVE NO FEAR!

I’m super friendly and would love to help you with your flows. Just fill out the form below and I’ll get in touch with you. Together, we’ll go soooo far. Let’s chat!

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Nick Hance
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I'm a software project rescue specialist who has been rescuing failed software systems since 1999. President of Reenhanced.
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