NFTs, PDFs, RPAs and more

NFTs, PDFs, RPAs and more

The latest NINE Power Automate connectors can help you set up the flows you need for NFTs, PDFs, RPAs and more.

Sounds a bit like alphabet soup, no? There’s been another huge delivery of new Power Automate connectors, a third of them from independent publishers (note the orange two person logo). Here’s a brief review of each one.

independent publisher connector icon

This new connector by Troy Taylor automates tasks for CraftMyPDF, an app that lets users easily create and edit their own PDF templates using its drag & drop editor. Actions include:

  • Create a new template from a template ID.
  • Create a PDF file with JSON data and your template.
  • Create a PDF from multiple templates, merging them all into one.
  • Create an editor session where the PDF editor URL can be embedded into an IFrame.
  • Get account info.
  • Update or delete a template.
  • List all PDF templates or all transactions.
  • Add a watermark to a PDF.
  • Merge multiple PDF URLs.

In a future connector update, it would be cool to see a trigger that sends your team the full list of templates whenever a new PDF template has been added. That way, they’ll always be reminded of what’s already available and avoid wheel reinvention. (Hey, I can dream!) Still, a solid start.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

IA-Connect JML connector icon
IA-Connect JML

Holy wow! Heads up Human Resource professionals! Better let your IT department pro know about this new connector. Its actions are too numerous to list here, but if your company uses or is considering use of a Power Automate connector for Robotic Process automation (RPA), this one is worth a look for its sheer volume of possibilities. Its part of a suite of nine different IA-Connect connectors, three of which address RPA.

App makers describe the IA-Connect JML connector as a “platform which adds RPA functionality from the Cloud to on-premises virtual machines or over Citrix or Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDS) connections. This is the module for automating Joiner / Mover / Leaver (JML) processes.” Full disclosure: not being an HR pro, I had to look that term up. This is about tracking the lifecycle of your employees as you hire, they change departments, or leave your company. Of course, to access this connector, you’ll need a IA-Connect account.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Four stars

jedox odata hub connector icon
Jedox OData Hub

For enterprise analytics, the connector allows access to a user’s Jedox OData Hub with a lengthy list of possible actions. These give you the ability to “fetch data from the Olap server, stream data from the Integrator server, or execute loads and jobs.” Prerequisite for use includes the need for a Jedox Cloud Instance with an active OData Hub.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

nunify connector icon

Event coordinators may be interested in this connector with Nunify, an event management platform. The “Add Registrant” action registers an attendee to your event and issues a ticket for them. It triggers when an attendee registers for or checks into a nunify event, or when an attendee has checked in to a location. There’s lots of room for additional actions and triggers, but it appears to be both simple and effective from the start.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

independent publisher connector icon
Mondaycom, a cloud-based, business management platform that can help you track schedules and inventories has this new connector. The one action of this connector calls a GraphQL. “What’s that,” you may ask.

GraphQL is an open source data query designed to make an application program interface (API) fast, flexible, and developer-friendly. As an alternative to REST API, GraphQL lets you construct requests that pull data from multiple data sources in a single API call. It’s not the first independently published connector by Woong Choi from SevenSigma that we’ve seen, but one that might be in your wheelhouse if business management is your gig.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

Independently published connector icon

For having the chutzpah to ride the wave of the latest popular currency, namely NFTs, I gave this Rarible connector its high rating. New to NFTs? Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain that can be sold or traded. These may be specific digital files like photos, videos, or audio clips. 

Independently published by Roy Paar of Microsoft, the actions for the Rarible platform, a “blockchain-agnostic” and decentralized tool to query, issue, and trade NFTs,” make it easier for users to keep tabs on their favorite NFTs.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

replicon connector icon

The Replicon app for time and task management now enjoys availability of a new Power Automate connector that accesses real-time data. Their designer says that this connector’s actions let you “continuously sync projects, tasks, and resource assignments from Project Online to Replicon and time data from Replicon to Project Online.”

Actions offered include:

  • Create a project or apply modifications
  • Create a task hierarchy or apply modifications to a task
  • Get hierarchical task details
  • Move a task to a new parent
  • Get the project details
  • Get end-point details of the tenant
  • Get time entered or timesheet summary by task URL
  • Get user list data
  • Get task list service data
  • Rewrite team member assignment of project
  • Update the resource assignment to a specified task

The connector triggers to subscribe to web hook events in Replicon.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

revelation helpdesk connector icon
Revelation Helpdesk

With your Revelation HelpDesk account, the many actions available in this connector let you create and edit tickets, clients and more, while its triggers let you more readily integrate your business processes based on events that occur in Revelation helpdesk. Solid usefulness for this web-based app.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Four and a half stars

verified connector icon

This connector for the Verified API which enables the creation of custom document signing processes requires a Verified account. This new connector stands among at least eight other document signing connectors we’ve reviewed. If you have a Verified account already, you will want to automate that which you can by choosing from this connector’s healthy selection of actions.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Four stars

If you check here frequently for our latest reviews, you may have noticed that I don’t give a lot of five star reviews, even when the energy of a review suggests that a specific connector is fantastic. I’ll let you in on a secret. I had a teacher in high school who rarely gave any paper submitted an “A” no matter, it seemed, how in-depth, detailed and complete, or original. In frustration, after working particularly hard on one assignment and receiving a mere B plus, with positive notes marked in the margin, I asked her what I had done wrong. “No matter how good your work is,” she said, “there’s always room for improvement.” Same principle applies here.

There are now 656 Power Automate connectors and counting! We can help you find one you need or create one that works to suit your needs.

Kimberly Kratz
Posted on:
Kimberly is a Virtual Assistant but real person who works on the team at Reenhanced. She’s also a professional writer and editor. When she’s not painting a portrait or dreaming up her next steampunk quest, she works as a Reference Librarian in the city.
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