OMG a Wayback Machine Connector!

OMG a Wayback Machine Connector!

New Power Automate connector let’s you enter the Wayback machine and go back in time. Like Tardis. That’s just so fire I can hardly stand it!

Okay you got me, that might be a slight exaggeration but hey, I wrote this on Monday. Digging into the latest two connectors from Power Automate made for some fun this time around.

Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine connector from one prolific Independent publisher, Fördős András, taps a digital archive of the World Wide Web and lets you see how websites looked in the past. It’s single action checks to see if a given URL is archived and currently accessible in the Wayback Machine.

This could help you with basic research about a defunct company, check out what your competitors have done and how they’ve updated so you can stay one step ahead of them. I REALLY like this idea when it comes to keeping your company’s website fresh, interactive and accessible to anyone who wants to know about who you are and what you do and NOT look like 1982 called and wanted their website back.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

I give this one three and half stars, and I’d consider upping that is you could see ahead in time.

iManage Insight Plus

iManage provides document and email management solutions for professionals so they can search for what they need and act on the things that need to be addressed securely within the iManage system.

To use the iManage Insight Plus connector requires iManage Work customers to connect to Then they’ll need to have the iManage Insight Plus for Power Automate application enabled by an administrator of the iManage Work environment. According to Microsoft’s documentation, once that’s done, it requires “the specific URL for your environment as well as a sign in account and password under which the connector can execute actions.”

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Two stars for this one as its limited to users of iManage Work and usable only in the Knowledge libraries with in that system.

There’s always something new to experiment with in Power Automate and I love to dig in to see what interesting use cases there are for each one. Worst case, I jump in the Wayback Machine and review some of the 1054 that connectors that are available for everyone to try!

Kimberly Kratz
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Kimberly is a Virtual Assistant but real person who works on the team at Reenhanced. She’s also a professional writer and editor. When she’s not painting a portrait or dreaming up her next steampunk quest, she works as a Reference Librarian in the city.
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