Consumer Safety, Event Planning, and More

Consumer Safety, Event Planning, and More

These topics as well as education marketing, security and file sharing are among those addressed by the Power Automate connectors that wrapped up July 2022. Four connectors are the product of one independent publisher. I’ve reviewed all of these here to give you a quick rundown, looking first at consumer safety.

Is There a Recall on Your Peanut Butter?

CPSC Recalls Retrieval

The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is tasked with advising the American public with information about products. According to its website, “CPSC works to save lives and keep families safe by reducing the unreasonable risk of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products and fulfilling its vision to be the recognized global leader in consumer product safety.”

The CPSC Recalls Retrieval Power Automate connector has a single action that can reach out to the CPSC and deliver a list of recalls. If there was a trigger that could remove the offending item from your home or refrigerator, now THAT would be cool! Still…

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

Sharing Files?

With the connector, you can upload a file, share the link, and after it is downloaded, the file is completely deleted. This could be a handy tool when you work in covert operations and need to keep your space tidy. It’s five actions include:

  • Upload a file and creates the file details.
  • Update a file by key.
  • Delete a file identified by key
  • Get a list of your files.
  • Get the plan and account details for the user.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Three stars

Event Planners: Check it Out!


If you plan events, coordinate fundraisers and volunteers or are the one in charge of the class reunion you can use the new SignUpGenius connector to automate many of the tasks that would otherwise keep you up at night with spreadsheets and neon colored sticky notes. Its actions are many including:

  • Get all sign up information.
  • Get all active sign up information.
  • Get all expired sign up information.
  • Add a user to a group.
  • Get details about a group member.
  • Get the members associated with a group.
  • Get all groups created by the user.
  • Get all active sign ups you are invited to.
  • Get all sign ups you have signed up for.
  • Get a report of the slots that are filled for a sign up.
  • Get a report of the slots that are empty (not filled) for a sign up.
  • Get a report of a sign up details.
  • Get your user profile.

By automating these tasks, you’ll have more time for the face-to-face and be better able to delegate workloads.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Three and a half stars

Educator Creators


For educators, you can manage course creation, registration and more with the Zenler app and follow up by automating many of the tasks that such an endeavor requires. Connector actions offer the ability to:

  • Create, update or delete a new user.
  • Get information about a user.
  • Get a list of funnels.
  • Get a list of enrollments for a funnel.
  • Subscribe or unsubscribe a user to or from a funnel.
  • Enroll or unenroll a user to a course.
  • Register or unregister a user for a live class or live webinar.
  • Get a list of users, courses, or upcoming live classes or webinars.
  • Get a brief list of enrollments.
  • Get a brief report of affiliates, course progress or sales.
  • Get a detailed report of affiliates, course progress, enrollments, or sales.
  • Get a course-by-course identifier.

This connector creates lots of possibilities that educator creators will appreciate and there’s room for this connector to grow and expand.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Three and a half stars

Keeping Secrets on Your Server?

Secret Server connector security icon
Secret Server

Security nerds who use the Delinea Secret Server may want to minimize manual time by utilizing this connector. Three actions get a single secret by ID, get a single secret template by ID, get an access token for use with other API requests, or refresh an access token.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Two stars

That wraps up July’s newly added Power Automate connectors and brings the Grand Total to 798. I’m super-excited to see what new connectors will be added this summer. You can check out other reviews right here, or if you need to know what connectors will work best for you, contact us!

Kimberly Kratz
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Kimberly is a Virtual Assistant but real person who works on the team at Reenhanced. She’s also a professional writer and editor. When she’s not painting a portrait or dreaming up her next steampunk quest, she works as a Reference Librarian in the city.
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